Community centers bring people together. It’s what we do. When there’s a crisis, we want to mobilize our people, get out there, and get to work. And now we’re supposed to keep people apart.
Coronavirus is challenging us, and we are working hard to find a thoughtful, generous and proactive path forward. How can we both support those most vulnerable to the disease and those who will pay the biggest price for the disruptions from the response, recognizing that they are often the same people getting hit twice?
Here’s what we are doing so far:
- Our afterschool programs will be open when the schools are open and will close when schools close.
- We will be restructuring our food programs to provide needed food to families while minimizing person-to-person contact.
- We will be working to identify other needs and the resources to address them safely.
- All other programs and events (whether run by the LCEC, our partners, or outside groups) are suspended and the LCEC is closed until May 1 (or until it is advisable to reopen).
I know that many of you know and care about the staff who work at the Center. Rest assured, they will be working remotely and will be paid.
I know that many of you are also looking for ways to help. If you want to be on the list of people we call on as we learn of new needs and opportunities, please email or leave a message at 608.833.4979 x224.
Thank you for everything you are doing (and everything you are rigorously not doing) to help keep our neighbors healthy and alive.
PS: One other idea for helping. Every year we count on our elders to keep the elections running and the polls open. This year we shouldn’t leave it to them. If you and those you are in daily contact with don’t tick the boxes for any of the risk factors associated with coronavirus, consider applying to be a poll worker on the City of Madison Clerk website. You can do that here: