Thursdays and Fridays, 10am-12pm
in the Garner Room
Academic year
No cost, registration required
Play and Learn is a fun and engaging program that is offered free-of-charge for children ages birth to 3+ and their caregivers, who reside in the Madison School District.
The Play and Learn sessions provide a learning environment for families who may not have access to similar opportunities and who are not currently participating in similar programs. Children learn early math, literacy, and social skills through play and caregivers learn about child development, the importance of play, and parenting skills.
The Play and Learn program is open to families who live in the Madison Metropolitan School District. The program model requires parents/caregivers to attend with the children. This may include parents, grandparents, other relatives, or non-regulated in-home care providers. Based on the nature of the program, with a focus on parent/caregiver education, we ask that parents/caregivers limit the number of children that they bring to any given session to three children. There is no cost to participate. Families are asked to attend on a regular basis due to limited capacity and waiting lists. Families can attend for two school years. Please contact a Play and Learn staff member to learn more about attending Play and Learn sessions.
Visit MMSD Play and Learn for program and registration details.