We could not be prouder!

Yesterday Arionna Davis, the LCEC’s middle school program lead, accepted an award from Madison Out-of-School Time (MOST) recognizing “outstanding youth workers for their dedication and creativity supporting youth.” Arionnna is one of eleven adults working with youth honored by Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and MMSD Superintendent Dr. Joe Gothard at a special ceremony on Aug 28.

Arionna’s outstanding achievement was highlighted in a recent Madison365 article. Full article.

“The Madison-area Out-of-School Time initiative ensures that all of Madison’s children and youth have access to comprehensive, high-quality, out-of-school time programs that support positive youth development, educational achievement, and readiness for college, career, and community. MOST is a collaboration between the City of Madison, Dane County, Madison Metropolitan School District, and over 45 Madison-area youth-serving organizations,” writes David Dahmer of Madison 365.

“Arionna started off her youth work navigating challenges in her life,” he continues. “There were so many barriers in her way, but instead of giving up, Arionna chose to use her lived experiences to connect with youth and as motivation to carve out an innovative path for youth who need support. In addition to her planning and implementation of activities that aid in middle school youth living in poverty, reaching grade levels in math and reading, she also spends a significant amount of time providing youth with resources to cope and navigate through their own personal hardships in addition to providing Social and Emotional Learning programming that provoke Middle Schoolers to consider their own peers and to work together in building a proverbial village and support system of their own.”

We celebrate Arionna’s creativity, zest for life, and contributions to youth and their bold futures. Thank you, MOST, for selecting Arionna for this honor.